Charlie’s outburst last night – “she said I am next to go”

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Charlie’s outburst last night – “she said I am next to go”

Post by Flossie »

On the live feed late last night, in between shots of Siavash trying to cuddle the delicious Noirin in bed, Charlie was running around in tears screaming to an audience of Lisa and associates that Noirin was awful because on the previous night she had warned him that because he was associating with Lisa, and all of Lisa’s friends had been evicted, that he would “be next to go”.

He pleaded for understanding from his audience that Noirin’s comment had caused him to re-evaluate Lisa and the merits of associating with her in case he was missing some character flaw in her that was apparent to viewers but not to him. He further admitted that he had subconsciously begun to shun Lisa to some degree and only became aware later in the day that he was doing this and this caused him internal emotional conflict and upset which he couldn’t contain when Lisa and Noirin had an argument previously to his outburst. ( Does this guy have no self-awareness? )

He explained, as he pleaded for sympathy, that Noirin’s comments had been “eating away” at him that day so he took “a step back” from Lisa, as though he was the victim in all of this.

It was one of the most revolting acts of unjustified and manipulative self-pity ever seen on BB particularly as it seemed designed to disguise his character failings. He may not have been consciously trying to deflect attention from them but no doubt some dim-witted viewers and hms would have missed the real issue at heart: he was prepared to dump a friend because of the perceived unpopularity of that friend and then felt bad about his own behaviour.

Well perhaps his revulsion at his discovery of his own character flaws was a shock to him, but not to me.

I think he regarded the admission of his self-serving, selfish and dishonourable behaviour to a large audience would somehow cleanse him and place the blame on Noirin, when in fact Noirin was trying to do him a favour.
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Post by Steffi »

I'm afraid i'm not quite up to speed with this yet... we went out to a summer barbecue last night and returned late and quite drunk.
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Post by Flossie »

AAAAaawwwwwwwwww how nice :)

In the hightlights show they didn't show most of the developments.
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