I think that Goerge was pretty rude to Siavash on today's final BBLB.
He charged Sivash with gameplaying and manipulation and barely alllowed the guy to reply and when he did he told him to "give it up" as though Siavash had been monopolising converstaion when in fact he had barely been able to deliver a sentence.
What George doesn't seem to understand was that Siavash felt he had done something wrong and was feeling guilty and also suspected that BB viewers held in contempt. Whether he was correct in his analysis is irrelevant, he felt he wasn't worthy to be in the final and was also worried about viewer's reaction so he wanted to go. No one attempting to win would have played such a game.
George you were a git and an idiot.
Siavash and George Lamb on BBLB
Moderator: The Global Mods
Oh that makes me feel really sad
Bloody george lamb!!!!
Didn't the plonker get bitten by one of the wolves in a few weeks back? He should have learned his lesson by now shouldn't he? Siavash is a decent guy and he came second for a bloody good reason, he was LIKED. George lamb should respect the viewers who spent money in order to make that a reality.
He is the worst most rudest lip curling sneering eejit on BB. He was dismissing comments that Marcus made when he was on BM as though Marcus was only liked for some idiotic reason such as people laughed at him not with him. He saw "entertainment" in Marcus' "obvious" (to him anyway) lack of merits and liked him as a tragic figure of Ricky Gervais proportions. But marcus is nothing like the dimwitted mario. Marcus is better compared to Billbo Bagshot from Spaced.

He is the worst most rudest lip curling sneering eejit on BB. He was dismissing comments that Marcus made when he was on BM as though Marcus was only liked for some idiotic reason such as people laughed at him not with him. He saw "entertainment" in Marcus' "obvious" (to him anyway) lack of merits and liked him as a tragic figure of Ricky Gervais proportions. But marcus is nothing like the dimwitted mario. Marcus is better compared to Billbo Bagshot from Spaced.