She accused Danica of being a prostitute for doing topless shots and for "rinsing" men, yet it seems to me that Jasmine has prostituted herself to a greater degree than Danica, she is a hypocrite, but then we knew she is psychologically damaged in some way.
You've probably read on DS that she apparently entered an escalating Twitter war, initially from exchanges with Rhian, but then with other glamour models who felt criticised by association. It's apparently one of these that posted the nude photo. I read on DS that Jasmine threatened legal action, saying it had been a private photo, but as you say, the photo was apparently in the Sunday Sport.
I agree that I think Jasmine has psychological problems. It really is regrettable in my opinion, that she's throwing so much energy into such a destructive exchange. I can't imagine her young son is getting the kind of attention he'd need from a mother when she's diverted by this kind of thing and so emotionally fired up about it. I remember her entry VT where she said something like 'I'll always win as I'm smarter than you'. Most of the time I take the entry VT's with a pinch of salt but in her case, I can't help thinking it's fairly representative! I don't think she is smarter than others (she wouldn't be carrying on the way she does if she was!) although she is very articulate, and quite perceptive in some ways. But I do think she's prepared to go to greater extremes than others in any kind of conflict.
When the housemates first entered the house and Cheryl and Julie had their task, and Cheryl retreated in mock tears, Jasmine immediately went ot her and told her she 'had her back' (this seems to be this year's BB expression btw!). It made me think that for Jasmine, the kind of drama and conflict that Julie and Cheryl had been tasked to act out in soap opera style, is behaviour she recognises as normal, because it's at the level of drama that exists in her life. When she found out they'd been carrying out a task, she went round telling people that Cheryl couldn't be trusted, as though not putting Cheryl's behaviour in context.
Btw, have you seen the photos of Danica and Rhian in underwear cuddling up to each other, that apparently came out in Nuts magazine a couple of days back? Entirely predictable that they'd do a shoot of that kind. It's accompanied by an interview with them about BB I think.
Damn it! The photo has gone, I kneeeeeeew I should have saved it, as I suspected its lifetime was likely to be limited.
The legal action threat by Jasmine seems ridiculous, given that it was supposedly in the Sunday Sport. I say supposedly because the picture was very poor in both lighting and posing, almost amateurish, so perhaps there is something in what Jasmine says, and did the Sunday Sport carry photos as explicit as this anyway?
I am aware of the Danica and Rihan shots and have been perusing Nuts for them, Danica does seem to have a habit of doing those girl on girl topless shots and videos, though she claimed to have been desperate when she did the evening babestation thing some years ago which last featured these antics.
Jasmine is completely bonkers, and I suspect drug use is much of the cause of her current unstable and aggressive mental state. I can't believe Cowell would go out with a woman who is as bonkers as she currently is, she must have been less bonkers in the recent past.