The last BBBM - The floss perspective

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The last BBBM - The floss perspective

Post by Flossie »

Well this programme was a bit bollocksy I thought.

I felt that despite Davina's complaint that there were so many issues to tackle and so much to say that in fact many of the issues pressing on viewers minds were not tackled and instead we were subjected to some artificial issues and irrelevant story lines which were not of much interest. Was Siavash's and Cairon's friendship really the major talking point of either hm? Weren't there many more interesting issues relating to Siavash? Cairon was an inarticulate, thuggish non-entity so he didn't merit much discussion.

Freddie barely got a chance to say little more than a few platitudes and vacuous comments that left us none the wiser as to how he viewed his time in the house and the other housemates.

Surely people were interested in what the hms had learnt from the experience and how they were responding to the public view of them which they could only perceive at this stage in the BB lifecycle. Does Freddie realise that people think he was a bit of a twonk, even if a nice one, and does Marcus realise that his behaviour to Noirin was unacceptable? Did Marcus even get a chance to express anything?

I didn't see all of the programme as I had to turn over whenever Charlie was permitted to spew forth some incomprehensible, self-serving gibberish.

More comments to follow :p
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Post by Steffi »

I was unimpressed with the programme too. One of my peeves is the fact that so many ad breaks had to be contained within it which cut short any kind of conversational meandering as everything had to be condensed into bite sized form and held together with Davina's far too long interjections and rhetoric questions to camera one.

Considering that Freddie and Marcus were the two most consistently popular house mates within the series I was very unimpressed with their lack of camera time and when we were offered a brief glimpse into Freddie's actual opinions we were whisked away again and left trying to lip read from memory his one second of what looked like annoyance. Obviously the camera person was hastily requested via earphone to cut to somebody else. What a state of affairs!
So Davina declared she wanted the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth but all that was on offer was whether or not Sophoe and Kris were going to talk to each other ( a fact we had all gleaned the outcome of days ago and hardly care about any more) and whether or not the stupidly giggling Rodrigo and acting-coy-Charlie fancied each other. Oh it was like the day after a teenage disco for heaven's sake!

The show really did concentrate on the "reunion" aspect which was as it said on the tin. I really didn't expect there to be any further grilling of Marcus over his pursuit of Noirin or for there to be assumptive lectures towards both Freddie and Marcus about how they are perceived by their fans. I think both of them are completely aware of how they are perceived by their fans as they are most popular hms from the series along with Siavash and the response they have had from their fans leaves them in no doubt at all why they are so liked.

My favourite part of the show was watching the edited montages of Charlie/Rodrigo fighting and Lisa's short film which culminated in her being bopped on the head by Hoppy. I rewound it several times until reluctantly deleting it.

The show ended with an unworthy winner once again and all the people of actual worth were left voiceless so that those final five could once again prove to us how bollocksy the whole shebang was. Oh. And Tom. Bleaakk.
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Post by Jackie »

Very disappointed and agree with what you've both said. The ad breaks were just ridiculous and I really am not comfortable with Davina being potty mouthed. It's like your nan saying the "f" word - just made me cringe. All the time she was dashing about, with the HMs behind her desperately trying to make eye contact with the they must know the chances of them ever being back on our telly are slim to anorexic.

Even Siavash irritated me, with his fawning over Bea(tch). Even Freddie looked puzzled with Siavash's protestations about how she'd been mis-represented.

Davina must have known, prior to the show being recorded, the reasons why Karly and Ken weren't there. So why go through the pretense of asking the question and then not really letting anybody answer her, for fear of being sued!?

I was very sad at the end of it - it left me feeling "thank Gawd that's all over and I don't have to see these people again".
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Post by Flossie »

Hoppy was great :D

Surely the whole reason for this programme is to cover the antics of hms after exiting the house and how they responded to the public evaluation of them? It seems likely to me that people exposed to microscopic analysis by the public would have good cause to analyse their behaviour and attitudes and perhaps change their outlook or behaviour. I would be interested whether Marcus reallly does feel in retrospect that his behaviour to Noirin was acceptable and whether Freddie feels he was too tolerant of the abuse he received in the house.
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Post by Steffi »

Jackie wrote:Very disappointed and agree with what you've both said. The ad breaks were just ridiculous and I really am not comfortable with Davina being potty mouthed. It's like your nan saying the "f" word - just made me cringe. All the time she was dashing about, with the HMs behind her desperately trying to make eye contact with the they must know the chances of them ever being back on our telly are slim to anorexic.

Even Siavash irritated me, with his fawning over Bea(tch). Even Freddie looked puzzled with Siavash's protestations about how she'd been mis-represented.

Davina must have known, prior to the show being recorded, the reasons why Karly and Ken weren't there. So why go through the pretense of asking the question and then not really letting anybody answer her, for fear of being sued!?

I was very sad at the end of it - it left me feeling "thank Gawd that's all over and I don't have to see these people again".
Yes Jackie, Siavash irritated me also with his hapless attempts to cut in on Davina's questions to Bea. He said to her that "he tried" which leaves many people in no doubt that the stupid woman, desperate to cling on to the precipice of credible celebrity has hooked her grapple into Siavash. By using her passive aggressive persuasion and faux charm on him, she has managed to eek out some more of his attention. Let's hope she doesn't tear his holy clothes too much as she falls rapidly to her demise from our celeb scene. Her ugly mug pops up in the photos, squeezed into frame, sucking in her cheeks and pouting, completely surplus to requirements. Somebody should design an online game where we get to hammer her with a mallet every time she pops up her attention seeking head.
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Post by Giz »

it was a piss poor programme, Davina is driven by the script and the script is driven by the little montages put together by a prepubescent editing team.

It needs a "Question Time" format with little input from Davina and at least three quarters of the audience putting the questions to come from us and other BB forumers
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Post by Flossie »

Golly, someone is very angry in here! :doom:
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Post by KaffyBaffy »

Have to agree.. I really don't see the point of this show at all. I like Giz's suggestion of a Question Time format... personally, I'd be happy to see most of them interviewed by the loathsome McRirick. At least he doesn't pander to them or spout C4's party line. I wonder if they decided on this type of show because 1) it's cheap and 2) in past year's we've seen the HM's go off to do other work that's been lined up and other than topless modelling for some of the girls there hasn't been any?

It was a complete insult that the people who deserved some airtime were denied all but a brief moment, when Davina spent what seemed like a cringeworth half hour trying to find out whether Noirin and Tom were doing the business - which gave Noirin ample chance to try, unsuccessfully, to look innocent and coy.

Not BBBM's finest hour.... but then they stopped when Russel left.
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Post by Steffi »

I agree with you Kaffy (and Giz with the Question time idea) about Russell Brand and another thing about that old and original format was that he would leap around with the mike, getting involved with the audience and that was what "Big Mouth" started off being about - ie the BB viewers getting the opportunity to vent their opinions unedited.

I know Davina still gives the impression that the audience is involved but it isn't really, there is a lot of curtailing of people if they say something too challenging and the whole thing seems tied up in red tape and then they shove Brian in as a distraction method, like stopping an angry toddler from making a scene by stuffing sweets in its hands. It's like "Look - this is what we want the show to be - light fluffy entertainment with a bit of pseudo sex thrown in!" but we the viewers don't want that. We want to be able to have a Big Mouth again, or else what is the point?
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Post by Flossie »

I think these are all valid points. Davina seems to be the specialist at cutting off people in mid expression. No other BBBM presenter has behaved like this. The audience has become an audience for her performance rather than an assembly of questioners. Even under Russell opinions were expressed, and he often took the points made and developed them further into questions himself, Davina rarely does this. I have been infuriated at the number of times I have seen her whip away her wand mike as someone was getting into the meat of their question, following from their opening. Of course many audience members don't merit any air time, but some do and as Davina rarely tackles the questions the viewers want asked it is annoying to see her censor other people who may. Gggrhhhhhhhhhh!
Last edited by Flossie on Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Steffi »

I wonder why it has degenerated this way?

It's swings and roundabouts. The viewing figures are down but instead of doing some research and finding out what people really want, they have just decided to put in less money and less passion and let it just die. I suppose giving people a show they don't want to see is like euthanasia.

But it could be so different. Other shows go off and then come back again with a re-vamp, why not "Big Brother"?

I think it is the whole general watering down effect which has had a serious effect on it. Instead of being the cutting edge of social documentaries it has taken inspiration from American shows and suffered. We should be making programmes in that inimitable way that British TV was well known for, once. Somebody needs to grab it back and give it a good shake.

That Lisa interview has to be the best example of BB gone wrong and I would like to know why. I think as viewers we are within our rights to know exactly why the real interview could not take place.
When the forums are buzzing with threads all talking about the same issue, isn't it prudent to take heed of that and address it?
Lisa came away with the idea that Dave brought out a softer side in her... awww ain't txtspeak sweet... ?
For the most part of the series, Lisa was being critisized for much anti social behaviour and none of it was addressed :? Not one thing. Not just that but the effect she had on the group created a hero out of Halfwit with us the audience and even that wasn't addressed. The most major part of BB before the newbies went in.
The Noirin storyline also took up a vast amount of show time, much to a lot of people's exasperation. But the way Davina talked to Noirin was to just syphon everything off and ask questions about Noirin's "ladygarden" as if that is the credible way to discuss such things. Talk like that and you get the response you deserve. How is that correct interviewing and proper, honourable questions are not? How can you reduce somebody's entire personality down to their sex organs? that is ridiculous and insulting.
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Post by Giz »

clap: clap: clap:
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Post by Steffi »

I think we need to link this thread to the DS thread which discusses the same topic, what do you think? Is that allowed on there to link to other forums?
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Post by Steffi »

Referring back to the op here, the Cairon/Siavash article, yes, I agree and the only reason this was given any merit was that it played out some sort of wishful thinking soft porn fantasy to a minority group of people who would care about that. I think it was relevent, but I don't think it was the major talking point it claims to be, everybody just thought "awwww" or were just indifferent. It did not attract the same sort of heated debate as did the "Charigo" affair and that was only by default as those two just seemed to make people angry with their antics, it was never debate about how lovely they were.
Last edited by Steffi on Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Flossie »

Steffi wrote:I think we need to link this thread to the DS thread which discusses the same topic, what do you think? Is that allowed on there to link to other forums?
No problem Steffi :)
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